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Hip Replacement Surgery

What is Hip Replacement Surgery?

Hip replacement surgery is a surgical procedure performed when the hip joint is damaged or worn out. This surgery is generally preferred in cases such as osteoarthritis, post-traumatic deformity, and hip fractures. Hip replacement surgery involves removing damaged parts of the hip joint and replacing them with a prosthesis made of metal, ceramic or plastic.

Hip replacement surgeries performed at MSM Clinic by our team specialized in orthopedics and traumatology aim to improve the quality of life of our patients. The post-operative rehabilitation process is also important and is supported by physiotherapy and exercise programs prepared by the expert physiotherapists of our clinic. The purpose of this surgery is to reduce patients’ pain, help them regain their mobility, and enable them to perform their daily activities more comfortably.

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What are the Types of Hip Prosthesis?

Types of hip prosthesis may vary depending on the patient’s needs and condition. Some of the hip prosthesis types we offer as MSM Clinic are:

  • Total hip replacement: This type of prosthesis replaces both components (femoral head and pelvis) placed in the hip joint. A metal cup is placed on the femoral head, while a plastic or ceramic cup is placed in the pelvis.
  • Half hip prosthesis: half hip prosthesis is usually used to replace half of the femoral head (thigh bone). It is preferred only when the femoral head part is damaged or broken. It does not change the pelvic part. This type of prosthesis is generally preferred in the elderly and inactive patient group.
  • Revision hip prosthesis: In cases where a previous hip prosthesis fails or is damaged, this prosthesis may need to be revised or replaced. In this case, revision hip prosthesis is applied.
  • Specially designed hip prostheses: These are prostheses specially designed according to the anatomical structure and needs of each patient. It can be applied to patients with a specific disease (tumor, etc.). These prostheses are custom-made according to the measurements and requirements to ensure the best fit for the patient’s hip joint.

To decide which of these types is suitable for the patient, an evaluation is made by our expert orthopedic surgeon, taking into account the patient’s hip joint condition, age, activity level and other health factors. As a result of this evaluation, the most suitable type of hip prosthesis is determined.

Is Hip Replacement Surgery Risky?

Hip replacement surgery is a surgical procedure that can have serious consequences. However, when performed by experienced surgeons and appropriate medical facilities, successful results are usually achieved. In fact, hip replacement surgery has the highest satisfaction rates of all surgical procedures.

One of the most concerning complications during this surgery is the risk of infection. Therefore, meticulous precautions must be taken to reduce the risk of infection. If infection develops, the prosthesis may need to be replaced and the patient may need to receive antibiotic treatment for a long time. However, when proper protocols are followed, the risk of infection is very low.

With modern prosthetic designs and technologies, the lifespan of prosthetics has increased significantly. However, factors such as excessive physical activity or use of incorrect materials may shorten the life of the prosthesis. Additionally, the accumulation of particles resulting from wear at the bone-prosthesis interface may cause the prosthesis to loosen, resulting in irreversible bone loss. Therefore, if such situations are encountered, revision surgery may be required and this surgical procedure should only be performed by highly experienced medical personnel.

There is a risk of blood clots forming after hip replacement surgery, but this risk can be reduced or treated by taking appropriate precautions. Other potential complications include prosthesis dislocation, nerve and vascular damage, and fractures around the prosthesis. Hip replacement surgery is a serious surgical intervention and should be performed in healthcare facilities with appropriate medical equipment and experience. It is important that patients are appropriately managed and monitored preoperatively and postoperatively. As MSM Clinic, we will be following the necessary steps throughout this process.

What are the things to consider after hip replacement surgery?

The first three months after surgery are critical to speed up the healing process and avoid potential risks. As MSM Clinic, we are always with you in this process, but if we need to list the things to pay attention to during this period:

  1. Reducing the Risk of Falling:
  • You can organize the living space. You can take precautions such as covering slippery floors, removing cables, and using non-slip mats in the shower.
  • You can use assistive devices such as crutches or a walker until your balance and coordination fully returns.
  • You can avoid medications that may increase the risk of falling.
  1. Physical Therapy and Exercise:
  • Follow the advice of our physiotherapist and follow your exercise program without interruption.
  • Exercises will help you regain the range of motion of your joints and the strength of your muscles.
  • Regular exercise accelerates the healing process and reduces the risk of complications.
  1. Prevent Infection:
  • Pay attention to your personal hygiene.
  • Keep the surgery area clean and dry.
  • Use your antibiotics as recommended by your doctor.
  • Inform your dentist that you have had prosthesis surgery and take care of your oral hygiene.
  1. Sitting and Lying Positions:
  • Prefer high chairs instead of low chairs and armchairs.
  • Use a raised toilet.
  • Place a pillow between your legs while sleeping for 5-6 weeks.
  • Make sure your knees are below hip level when sitting.
  • Avoid leaning forward while sitting.
  • Do not cross your legs while sitting or lying down.
  1. Nutrition and Weight Management:
  • Follow a nutritious diet and increase your protein intake.
  • Be careful not to gain weight or maintain your ideal weight.
  • Excess weight can put additional stress on your joints and complicate the healing process.

How much are Hip Replacement Surgery Costs?

As MSM Clinic, we offer our patients the highest quality hip replacement surgery service at the most affordable prices. Our prices are determined according to the patient’s specific condition and the options chosen for the surgery.

Various factors affecting hip replacement surgery prices include:

  • Type of surgery: Different types of surgery, such as total hip replacement, partial hip replacement or revision hip replacement, have different prices. Total hip replacement surgery is more expensive than partial hip replacement.
  • Materials used: The type and quality of the materials used in the prosthesis (polyethylene plastic, ceramic, metal alloy, oxynium) affect the price.
  • Prosthesis brand and features: The price scale of different brands and features may vary in a wide range. Dentures made of more durable materials such as ceramic or oxynium may have a different price range than plastic dentures.
  • Additional procedures: Performing additional procedures during surgery may also affect the price.

Randevu / Bilgi Al

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