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Knee Calcification

What is Knee Calcification?

Knee arthritis, known as the medical term “osteoarthritis,” is a condition in which the cartilage tissue in the knee joint wears out over time and undergoes degenerative changes. Cartilage is a tissue that forms joint surfaces and facilitates joint movement. However, damage to this cartilage tissue due to various reasons can lead to knee arthritis. Knee arthritis usually manifests itself with symptoms such as pain, swelling, limitation of movement and noise in the joint. Patients experience increased pain, especially after activities that put stress on the joint. They may also experience a feeling of stiffness in the joint when they wake up in the morning. These symptoms may become more evident in the later stages of the disease and may negatively affect quality of life.

Knee calcification is diagnosed in our clinic by further examination requested after a phsyical examination, especially x-ray and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These imaging tests play an important role in determining the stage of the disease by evaluating cartilage loss, bone spurs, and other changes in the joint.

At MSM Clinic, the treatment process is determined depending on the patient’s complaints, the stage of the disease and general health condition. In the initial stages, medications may be used to manage pain and control inflammation. Physical therapy and special exercise programs can also help patients maintain joint function and activities of daily living.

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Causes of Knee Calcification?

The causes of knee arthritis include old age, genetic factors, joint traumas, excess weight, metabolic disorders in the joint, intra-knee ligament-meniscus injuries and hormonal changes. Especially with age, cartilage tissue begins to wear out and thin over time. Genetic factors: A person’s genetic makeup may affect their risk of developing arthritis. Joint traumas may predispose to the development of calcification, especially excessive loads on the joints may trigger this condition. Additionally, metabolic disorders and hormonal changes may also increase the risk of arthritis.

Knee arthritis is usually a gradual process and its symptoms may increase over time. Patients usually consult a doctor with complaints such as pain, swelling, limitation of movement and noise in the joint. Pain usually increases after activity or after long periods of inactivity. Swelling may be a symptom of inflammation in the joint. Restriction of movement and noise in the joint may result from the weakening and wearing out of the cartilage, or it may occur due to meniscule injury accompanying calcification.

What are the Symptoms of Knee Calcification?

Knee arthritis is usually a gradual process and its symptoms may increase over time. Patients usually consult a doctor with complaints such as pain, swelling, limitation of movement and noise in the joint. The pain usually increases after activity or prolonged immobility. Swelling may be a sign of inflammation in the joint. Limitation of movement and noise in the joint may be caused by weakening and wear of the cartilage or may occur due to meniscus injury accompanying calcification.

How is Knee Calcification Diagnosed? What are the procedures performed during the diagnosis process?

Knee arthritis is a condition in which the cartilage tissue in the knee joint is damaged and undergoes degenerative changes. We follow the following steps in order to maximize the health of our patients and make an accurate diagnosis:

  1. Clinical Evaluation: In the first stage, the patient’s complaints and medical history are examined through a clinical evaluation performed by our specialized orthopedic doctors in our clinic. This assessment helps us understand the patient’s symptoms and identify possible risk factors.
  2. Physical Examination: The physical examination of the patient includes evaluation of joint mobility, swelling, tenderness, and other symptoms. Posture and gait assessment of the patient, muscle strength status and lower extremity assessments are made. This step is aimed at determining clinical findings and detecting possible signs of calcification.
  3. Imaging Tests: We usually use radiological imaging methods when diagnosing knee arthritis. X-ray examination allows us to see cartilage loss, bone deformities and other structural changes in the joint. In some cases, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may also be used; This is an imaging technique that examines soft tissues in more detail.
  4. Laboratory Tests: Blood tests are not usually used to diagnose knee osteoarthritis. However, in some cases, we may use laboratory testing to evaluate the patient’s overall health and address other potential factors.
  5. Joint Fluid Analysis: When deemed necessary, a fluid sample can be taken from the knee joint and analyzed. This analysis can be used to evaluate infection within the joint and rule out other possible joint diseases.

As MSM Clinic, the comfort and health of our patients is our priority. These diagnostic methods are individually tailored to each patient, helping us to obtain the most accurate results.

Knee Calcification Treatment

Knee arthritis is a condition that causes pain and limitation of movement due to deterioration of joint cartilage and friction of joint surfaces. As MSM Clinic, we aim to improve the quality of life of our patients by offering the most effective and individual methods in the treatment of knee arthritis.

Surgical Treatment Options:

  1. Total Knee Arthroplasty (Knee Prosthesis):
    • A prosthetic joint made of POLYETHYLENE plastic material is placed in place of the calcified knee joint, along with a CO-CR and titanium mixed prosthesis.
    • It is used to restore the function of the joint and prevent pain.
    • It is one of the long-term solutions.
    • It is generally preferred in patients with advanced knee calcification.
  2. Arthroscopic Surgery:
    • Using small incisions, a camera and surgical instruments are inserted into the joint.
    • Cartile and other tissues in the knee can be intervened. Such as cleaning of knee calcification and treatment of meniscus tissue, it is a method that can correct the problems inside the joint.



Non-Surgical Treatment Options:

  1. Physical Therapy:
  • Joint mobility is increased by providing muscle strengthening and stretching with special exercise programs.
  • Patient education and guidance are also an important part of physical therapy.
  1. Pharmacological Treatment:
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and painkillers are used to control pain and inflammation. Cold application can be done.
  1. Orthotics and Supports:
  • Specially designed knee supports and orthoses can reduce pain and facilitate movement by supporting the joint. It can be very effective especially in patients with knee instability (unstable knee) and deformities.
  1. Intra-articular Injections:


-HYALURONIC ACID INJECTION: It is used in patients with fluid loss due to calcification. It is done to nourish the joint cartilage, move it easily and reduce pain. It has different molecular weights, and the type to be applied varies in each patient.

-PRP APPLICATION: It is the injection of the part obtained from the blood taken from the patient as a result of the procedures into the joint. The main aim is to achieve recovery and it can be repeated 2-3 times at 2-3 week intervals.

-SANAKİN (SMART PLASMA APPLICATION): It is the application of the rich part of the cytokines (smart cells) obtained after the procedures performed on the blood taken from the patient, into the knee. Its effect is greater than PRP and can be repeated 2-3 times.

-COLLOGEN INJECTION: It is the application of ready-made liquid collagen of animal origin into the knee. It ensures cartilage and soft tissue healing.

-STAM CELL APPLICATION: It is the application of stem cells obtained from the patient’s own fat tissue into the knee. It is the most effective method. It has a completely healing effect on damage to cartilage and other structures.

Knee Calcification Treatment

Knee arthritis is a condition that causes pain and limitation of movement due to deterioration of joint cartilage and friction of joint surfaces. As MSM Clinic, we aim to improve the quality of life of our patients by offering the most effective and individual methods in the treatment of knee arthritis.

Surgical Treatment Options:

  1. Total Knee Arthroplasty (Knee Prosthesis):
    • A prosthetic joint made of POLYETHYLENE plastic material is placed in place of the calcified knee joint, along with a CO-CR and titanium mixed prosthesis.
    • It is used to restore the function of the joint and prevent pain.
    • It is one of the long-term solutions.
    • It is generally preferred in patients with advanced knee calcification.
  2. Arthroscopic Surgery:
    • Using small incisions, a camera and surgical instruments are inserted into the joint.
    • Cartile and other tissues in the knee can be intervened. Such as cleaning of knee calcification and treatment of meniscus tissue, it is a method that can correct the problems inside the joint.



Non-Surgical Treatment Options:

  1. Physical Therapy:
  • Joint mobility is increased by providing muscle strengthening and stretching with special exercise programs.
  • Patient education and guidance are also an important part of physical therapy.
  1. Pharmacological Treatment:
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and painkillers are used to control pain and inflammation. Cold application can be done.
  1. Orthotics and Supports:
  • Specially designed knee supports and orthoses can reduce pain and facilitate movement by supporting the joint. It can be very effective especially in patients with knee instability (unstable knee) and deformities.
  1. Intra-articular Injections:


-HYALURONIC ACID INJECTION: It is used in patients with fluid loss due to calcification. It is done to nourish the joint cartilage, move it easily and reduce pain. It has different molecular weights, and the type to be applied varies in each patient.

-PRP APPLICATION: It is the injection of the part obtained from the blood taken from the patient as a result of the procedures into the joint. The main aim is to achieve recovery and it can be repeated 2-3 times at 2-3 week intervals.

-SANAKİN (SMART PLASMA APPLICATION): It is the application of the rich part of the cytokines (smart cells) obtained after the procedures performed on the blood taken from the patient, into the knee. Its effect is greater than PRP and can be repeated 2-3 times.

-COLLOGEN INJECTION: It is the application of ready-made liquid collagen of animal origin into the knee. It ensures cartilage and soft tissue healing.

-STAM CELL APPLICATION: It is the application of stem cells obtained from the patient’s own fat tissue into the knee. It is the most effective method. It has a completely healing effect on damage to cartilage and other structures.

Recovery Process After Knee Osteoarthritis Surgery

The recovery process after knee arthritis surgery is individual and may vary depending on factors such as the patient’s general health condition, surgical method and implant used. As MSM Clinic, we carefully manage the recovery process of our patients and provide support at every stage.

Knee arthritis surgery is usually performed by methods such as total knee arthroplasty or arthroscopic surgery. It is important to follow certain steps so that patients can achieve optimal recovery after these surgical interventions.

Immediate Post-Surgery Recovery Process:

  1. Regaining Consciousness After Anesthesia:
    • In the first hours after the surgery, the patient gradually wakes up from the effects of anesthesia.
    • The patient is usually kept under observation in the hospital for a few days in the postoperative period.
  2. Pain Management:
    • Pain in the postoperative period can significantly affect patient comfort.
    • Pain management usually includes a combination of opioid and non-opioid analgesics.
  3. Movement and Physical Therapy:
    • The patient starts certain movements and exercises under the guidance of a physiotherapist in the first days after the surgery.
    • Gentle walking and movements can help increase circulation.

Mid-Term Recovery Process (First Weeks):

  1. Checking Stitches and Bandages:
    • Postoperative stitches and bandages are checked within a certain period of time.
    • Regular dressing is done to prevent any infection during the healing process.
    • Compression socks can be used for a certain period of time.
  2. Progress of the Physical Therapy Process:
    • By continuing physical therapy sessions, the patient increases muscle strength and restores joint mobility.
    • Progressive exercises help strengthen the knee and increase its stability.


Long Term Recovery and Rehabilitation:

  1. Return to Normal Daily Activities:
    • Starting from the first weeks, patients can return to their normal daily activities depending on the recovery process.
    • However, overly challenging activities should be avoided.
  2. Continuation of Physical Therapy:
    • As long as recovery continues, physical therapy sessions continue.
    • The focus is on the patient’s muscle strength, balance and coordination.
  3. Regular Follow-Up and Controls:
    • Regular follow-up and control visits are important to monitor the post-operative process.
    • X-ray and other imaging methods can be used to evaluate factors such as bone union and implant placement.

Randevu / Bilgi Al

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