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What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a condition known as a lateral curvature of the spine and can occur in the thoracic (upper back) or lumbar (lower back) area. It can occur alone or together with kyphosis (also known as kyphoscoliosis), an abnormal curvature from front to back. It is estimated that there are more than 2 million scoliosis patients in Turkey. Although there is no specific research on scoliosis patients in our country, orthopedics and traumatology experts agree that this disease is much more common in girls. However, the reason for this is not yet known. Scoliosis, especially above 10 degrees, is six times more common in girls than in boys.

Causes of scoliosis

Scoliosis can occur for many different reasons. However, the most common form of scoliosis is the idiopathic form, which occurs in adolescence and the cause of which is not fully understood. Another cause of scoliosis can be congenital and is usually caused by a defect or overgrowth of the spine or unfused and separated vertebrae. Scoliosis can occur as a result of conditions such as polio, cerebral palsy or stroke-induced muscular dystrophy. Other causes of scoliosis include differences in leg length, tumors, poor posture or diseases of the hip joint.

Scoliosis symptoms

The main symptoms of scoliosis are a lateral curvature of the spine, unevenness of the shoulders and hips (one shoulder blade protrudes more and one side of the ribs is higher than the other), as well as the presence of a second curvature that compensates for the lateral curvature of the spine. Primary curvature (often called compensatory curvature), lower back and/or lower back pain, fatigue, shortness of breath and cosmetic problems are the other symptoms for families

Most children with scoliosis go undiagnosed by their parents until the curvature progresses and becomes clearly visible in all positions. To determine whether your child has scoliosis, have him bend forward with his hands hanging and examine his back from the head or hip area. If you have a symmetrical back, the likelihood of scoliosis is very low. If the difference between the right and left sides is more than a few millimeters, you should consult a doctor if you suspect scoliosis.

Scoliosis interventions

Treatment for scoliosis varies depending on the degree of curvature when it is noticed and the child’s subsequent growth potential. The main goal is to avoid unnecessary surgical procedures. In children who have completed their growth, if the curvature in the lumbar region does not exceed 40 degrees and the curvature in the lumbar region does not exceed 30 degrees, surgical intervention may not always be necessary, since idiopathic scoliosis is scoliosis. The disease is not expected to progress significantly and is unlikely to significantly affect life. Braces treatment is generally used for scoliosis over 20 degrees in growing children. I don’t believe in corset treatment

Spinal Fractures

Spinal fractures often occur after spinal trauma (e.g., fall from a height, motorcycle accident, or sports injury), particularly in the thoracolumbar junction area, but can also occur in the lumbar-thoracic and cervical areas. Spinal regions. The most important problem with such injuries is damage to the nervous system of the spinal cord. Spinal cord injuries due to vertebral fractures can be complete, incomplete, or partial, depending on the size, severity, and shape of the fracture. Depending on the type of injury, spinal fractures are considered orthopedic emergencies. Depending on the shape and neurological effects, conservative (corset) or surgical treatment options are preferred. General anesthesia is generally preferred for surgical procedures. Rehabilitation begins immediately after surgery and the patient is mobilized as quickly as possible. The main complications associated with surgery are neurological damage and the risk of infection. However, these cases are extremely rare and we have not experienced any such complications so far.

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Randevu / Bilgi Al

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